Make money By AW Surveys
Money, get Monet, monetize,
get dollar Additional Revenue from the Internet with easy way! Please click here for a list beforehand or click the picture on the side. Then follow the instructions below and read the rules so you will not be disappointed ...
My income average of $ 47.75 to 95.5 per month, you even can reach up to hundreds of dollars!
Want to know how I get $ 47.47 per month (or even more) than Aclarn Inc?
1. Taking time 3-5 minutes for 3 days following the online survey
2. Looking for a friend as much as possible and send email invitations to do the same thing (as much as possible, the more the better)
I only do it 2 just in my spare time I do, with no capital money. All it requires is time, internet connection (if you can find a free, but if you do not find it that cheap Internet cafe), friends (read: a list of email) that a lot and CONFIDENCE.
Ok talk about FAITH, I will convince you that what I am doing this has proven true.
The name of this program is A.W. Surveys. This program is made by Aclarn Inc. ( When will this program is I do not really know (it does not matter anyway ...). I started this program in early September 2008. Well one month after the join A.W. Surveys, I get the first payment of $ 47.75 I. That means I only worked one month with a very simple way and $ 47.75 cash sebsar come with ease.
Anyone who has followed A.W. Surveys?
Of course a lot, but unfortunately many argue that this program is the alias Scam fraud. But if this is a fraud, who kindly 2x I pay $ 47.75 for it?
Anyone who says that AW. Surveys are aliases fraud scam? Many ... try to check on and typing AW. Surveys scam. You'll find dozens of articles on AW. Surveys of average says that AW. Surveys is a scam. On Youtube you can also find a way of Hacking AW. Surveys to withdraw money from AW. Surveys before the time allowed.
Then why did I make this article?
Because until now I still believe that the program is not a scam. Whatever the purpose of a clear Aclarn they are still paying and I appreciate the work (rather than hard work but casual work) I am. So before you continue reading this article, please specify your choice take hold or stop here.

If so, why do people say that AW. Survey is a SCAM?
- Because they felt that the survey only a few and they are not making money again after the survey was not there.
- Because they want to get money quickly in a way that is not allowed, or violate the rules. And when they break the rules, they were disappointed because AW. Surveys refused to pay them.
So for that, first understand the rules or TOS (Term of Service) of the AW. Surveys:
1. One person can only make 1 account only
2. One computer to register should not be used by more than 1 person
3. One person should not sign up again using his own referer code
Thus, if you do the ways as above, then you will automatically dibanned (diblack list) and your payment will be rejected. You have to call it cheating or FRADULENT.
Therefore tips from I:
- Do not bring a friend / relative you to sign up AW. Surveys or click on the survey in a cybercafe or office the same location (usually one warnetnya same IP). Better to register in another cafe.
- Do not invite friends to sign up your office AW. Enquetes or click on a survey using the same computer. Better to use a different computer. Why? Because if you make your way over the considered register again with a different account.
- Your account and your account must be active referrals for 45 days. If not then your earnings will be reduced by the value of that referral.
Now with a very simple rule that you must agree that this program makes sense right? Ok, if so please register by following these steps yes:
2. Once open click on Create A Free Account
3. Fill out all requested data. Use an active email you. Fill in all the data with the truth. Remember password allows you to login later
How to Follow the Survey:
- Login to AW. Surveys with a username that you have made
- After logging in, will open the home page. Here you will find: (contains the latest information); Recent NewsThe Following Surveys are Available (containing the survey are available); My AW. Survey Stats (includes statistical data of income you); Redeem Money (how to withdraw your earnings)
- To follow the survey consider the "The Following Surveys are Available"
- If the "The Following Surveys are Available" no survey is the survey will appear directly below
- Click on the survey, right in writing that is located under "The Following Surveys are Available"
- Would appear to confirm the stated price survey and the time required
- Click the "Start Survey Now", will soon open a new page
- Ok, to start the survey now click Click Here for Website 1
- Will open a new website. This website will give you the value and impact. If the image appears like this, do not worry, wait a moment until the website is fully open
- Look at the website during a specified time and close the page after an order to close. (You do not need to do anything but just look at it. Remember you do not need to register or login on the new page)
- After you close the new page then you will return to the home page
- Write down the impression that you the exact site in the white box. Write in English (not necessarily a good English ... You had the impression will not be judged). Example impression: "This web so attractive", "I surprise with this website", "The information from this website is useful", "I like this website and will visit it always", or other appropriate creativity You
- Continue with other surveys (site 2) to complets.
- When you finish writing the impression, click Click Here to Submit BOTH Reviews
- Wait for the process after it would appear that the display shows that you already paid for this survey
- Survey process is complete, loginlah as often as possible so that each survey can You solve
What to do if the survey is over?
This is the time to earn more. Why? For the income you have from AW. Surveys are:
* Bonus sign up = $ 6
* Follow survey = $ 1 - $ 25 per survey
* Invite friends = $ 1.25 per person
Based on the experience I have, the largest survey was for $ 4. So with reference (invite a friend you) then the income you will grow faster.
How to Invite Friends?
- Collect email list friends / relatives, even people who do not even know you. Example of the mailing list. You can also invite friends friendster You, facebook, or through the forum kaskus and other means.
- Send an email with an invitation to join in AW. Surveys, make the words as attractive as possible.
- Send as many and as often as possible. Remember that not everyone you invite will be interested to join. So invite as many people as possible.
- Do not forget to include a referral link you. Referral link you can get one at the start page after login and click the Refer Your Friend.
The more and more often you go the more surveys you income. Another paid no more: At the time the list you can instantly bonus of $ 6, good is not it?
Well, will you also have to invite friends to join you in this survey and of course every friend you are registered you will be an additional bonus of $ 1.25 per person. All the income you can take after reaching $ 75. Payment through PayPal (an online payment technology). Wah dapat duit hari gini $ 75 only with the internet playing opportunities try doang ... where else can ngasi segini easy money? So what are you waiting lists now ya soon. List of course (LHO FREE!) And the content you biodata, and later for registration payments via Paypal her the money later reply was a lot and can directly transfer BCA and bank accounts in Indonesia. If there is not clear friends can ask me directly to this email ya. You can not wait right? Let soon sign up now before someone else take a chance
Soon deh prove that you can also work online!
How Spending Income?
After earning you reach $ 75, then it was time to withdraw your money. Since this is the international transactions so you need to have the paypal account. From paypal will be disbursed to the bank of Indonesia. How relatively easy and very secure transaction, many of Indonesia's people who use this method. Although paypal is a method of international transactions, but there was Indonesian in the menu, so you more easily use it.
There are other costs?
There are 2 kinds of costs. $ 25 fee is a fee charged by the AW. Survey and the $ 2.25 charged by paypal. Nevertheless, we still benefit you? Without the slightest capital. If you diligently $ 47.75 a month then certainly in the hands.
Finally, rather than chatting and browsing useless, better use your time for something worthwhile. I know you better luck than I am. So I'm sure you can get more than I do. My income proof of how this super-easy. I'm sure you'll have proof of income like this if you try to start now!
Make money By AW Surveys
Reviewed by Kali

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